SilkStart Named one of Capterra’s Top 20 Most Popular Membership Management Software Companies

by Martin Nikleva
on January 13, 2016
Capterra Inc., the leading resource for business and nonprofit software solutions, announced that SilkStart Technology Inc. has been named one of the top 20 most popular membership management software companies.
Offering one of the most comprehensive lists of online software solutions, Capterra matches member-based associations and non-profits with software that manages their website, members, events, and communications.
The Top 20 list is developed with consideration of total number of customers, number of members managed, and online presence. We’re extremely proud of reaching this milestone and are already working hard to reach the top spot next year!
“You can either fit in or stand out. Not both.”
― Seth Godin
How do we get to the #1 spot?
Seth Godin may not have been talking about the success of an entire company but I think his words still ring true when you are growing a software startup. To catapult yourself to the top ranks, I believe you must accomplish two things internally. You must buy-in to having customer obsession and you must offer your customers ways to succeed that they previously did not have. I believe that if we continue to push SilkStart into uncharted territory, and stay true to the following principles, we can make waves in the association management software space.
Listen – our customers are always talking
It’s amazing what our customers come up with! Every day I talk with associations with different member needs and different offerings. At the root of all of these associations is a desire to provide benefits for their members and grow their member numbers. Whether it’s providing a revenue generator like our Job Board or expanding an association’s reach through a Multi-chapter Platform, I truly believe that SilkStart’s next big features will come from our own customers.
Connect – associations are everywhere!
We want to connect with you! Associations are all about community, and the entire SilkStart team wants to leverage this. Do you follow us on Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn? Join us in #AssnChat and/or send us your ideas. There are so many associations out there that are trying different approaches to managing their memberships. Let’s get a conversation going within this community of associations and learn from the successes and failures of others.
Provide the opportunity to succeed
We want your association or nonprofit to reach its full potential. If you have an idea of how to grow your membership and want to use your software to accomplish this, let us know! We build our software with our customers in mind and want you to grow. We can help you leverage your current members, market in new and exciting ways, or expand into a multi-chapter platform. We are here to help.
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I help associations grow to their full potential through using our online cloud-based tools. All good meetings are held during Ping-Pong matches.